Frequently Asked Questions

What does “MAP” mean?

“MAP” stands for “minor-attracted person.” It was coined by the organisation B4U-Act as an umbrella term for all individuals who are attracted to children and adolescents in some way. The term “MAP” encompasses infantophiles (those with an attraction to infants), nepiophiles (to toddlers), paedophiles (to prepubescent children), hebephiles (to pubescent children), and ephebophiles (to adolescents up to age nineteen, commonly contested).

Paedophiles? So you support child abuse?

We do not. One of our ground principles is that thoughts =/= actions. Most paedophiles do not offend, and most sexual offenders do not have paedophilic sexual interests. However, being that the purpose of TMA is not discourse, we refuse to discuss this further. There are other, more appropriate places to discuss the veracity of this claim, and our blog is not one of them. Additionally, we are staunchly anti-contact. We do not publish pieces that support child-adult relationships in real life and never will.

What is the purpose of TMA?

TMA is a place where MAPs and allies can submit their creative works in the form of writing or visual art. We are mainly interested in creative fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, personal essays, and visual art. We may take music submissions if it is your own personal work and if it has writing attached to it (i.e., lyrics). You may also submit your fantasies here, so long as they fall under the guidelines.

Our main goal is outreach to MAPs and allies who feel alone or like they can’t join in on the community. We want to send the message that they are not alone, and that they’re just as human as anyone.

Won’t this produce more cases of CSA/CSE?

No more than do stories about murder produce more murder cases.

We have very little to offer in the way of that, considering all of our hand-picked content is rated PG-13 or below. More obscene depictions exist in books, on the news, and on the internet on a day-to-day basis. We are also committed to reporting any tales of real-life CSA/CSE that end up in our inboxes.

Why don’t you take fanfiction or erotic fiction?

If we were to publish erotic fiction, it would limit our audience considerably, as we would have to turn on Safe Mode. We want to reach as many MAPs as possible, including MAP youth. For that, we’re willing to make a trade-off. In addition, erotica involving underaged characters is, in some countries, a legal grey area or downright illegal. To lessen the risk for our readers, we do not publish such material.

As for fanfiction, we are sensitive to the possibility of controversy over publishing material that might draw the attention of large communities. We do not discriminate against fanfiction in general, but we recommend you publish your work at Archive of Our Own, a site dedicated to freedom of content, for now.

I’m a MAP, I feel alone, and I need help. Where do I go?

It’s common for MAPs to feel alone. Don’t worry! You’re not.

If you’re struggling with feelings of loneliness, we recommend that you look into Virtuous Pedophiles, a community of MAPs who are dedicated to never offending.

There is also B4U-Act, a Maryland-based organisation that seeks to provide MAPs with mental health services. They are extremely dedicated to treating MAPs with dignity, focusing on a client-centered approach versus a prevention approach, and can be contacted for services here.

If you are struggling with thoughts of suicidal ideation or want to make an attempt, here is a list of suicide crisis lines across the world.

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