

23, He/Him, exclusive MAP (nepiophile and paedophile).

I first realized I was attracted to children when I was 14 and fortunately never had too hard of a time accepting myself, but for a long time the only idea of a paedophile I had was pro-contacts and offenders. I’ve been a member of the MAP community since March 2017 and was so glad to have finally found other people like me and I’ve met some really amazing people in my time here.

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22, He/Him, exclusive MAP, roughly in the pedo area tipping over into nepio and hebe a bit but being rooted in the pedo aspect.
You might know me as Steven/Stebs, Conbahami, Mod Mochi from just-map-things if you were around then, or just as Fry.
I properly entered this community during september of 2017 as map-support-steven, but I lurked for about 2 months before that. During that time I also came to the conclusion that I was a map myself. Talking to the people within the community helped me a lot with that.
I never really bought into the stigma against maps but still had internalized enough of it to suppress and deny this part of myself throughout my teenage years. So now I’m doing my best to be here to support people who need it, spread positivity, argue with people and talk about my beliefs.


18+. He/him/his. POCD sufferer, asexual, and shameless loli enthusiast. Officially began his involvement in the MAP community c. September 2017, but his special interest in them dates back to 2013.

Though a non-MAP, Charles is a steadfast adherent to the philosophy that thoughts should be free. His hobbies include reading, writing, making art, staring at the ceiling, daydreaming, and wondering whether the sudden thrill of pain he’s just experienced is psychosomatic or something to be concerned about.

Charles’s blog is here.





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